Why the FocusArray™?

The FocusArray™ combines high performance with intuitive handling at an affordable price. Easy integration with the Axcend Focus LC® makes this device the right choice for fast, standard analytical, semi-preparative and preparative separations. The deuterium lamp, covering 190 to 700 nm, can be quickly changed as needed through the quick-access removable front panel for short downtimes.

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The Axcend FocusArray™

The Only Choice

The Axcend Focus LC® and FocusArray™ can be simultaneously controlled via a single user-interface from Agilent OpenLab CDS®, and DataApex Clarity. The InFocus is the ideal choice for your challenging liquid chromatography requirements. The only detector for capillary HPLC offers a full three orders of magnitude linearity needed to identify trace elements in the presence of your target analytes. The InFocus delivers where others do not. Removes the constraint from LED-based light sources - Radio frequency identification.